Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ways to Know You Were A Public School Teacher in Korea

1) You, automatically, answer the question, "How are you?" with "I'm-fine-thank-you-and-you." Then proceed to ask the rest of the three questions ("How's the weather?" and "What day is it today?") as if you were the fucking old man at the Bridge of Death.

2) You meet someone new and ask them, "Do you teach public or private?"

3) You are on Facebook half the day, at work, and have downloaded AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and Skype on your work computer.

4) New arrivals to Korea, or friends back home, ask you how work is going. And you laugh kind of hysterically.

5) You are starting to believe that knowing "hello" in a foreign language really does mean you speak that language.

6) You have gotten used to wearing high heels walking to work-- and then changing into bedroom slippers when you arrive.

7) You think eating kimchi will absolutely prevent swine flu and may actually cure death.

8) You get excited at the prospect of actually teaching.

9) You are only mildly annoyed at the students' obvious panick when you call on them to answer a question.

10) You want to adopt the kids in your class that pay attention.

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