In class today, we covered giving directions, i.e. "Go straight three blocks, and turn right at the bank." I switched it up sometimes, describing a set of directions, and asking the students where I would be if I had followed them. The students seemed to enjoy that. But one little girl nearly burst into tears when I called on her. So I thought I'd try to take her aside and give her special help. A slight fear that being singled out for attention would only increase her embarrassment held me back, but I took a chance and motioned for her to take my hand and follow me out of the classroom. It paid off. She and I walked around the hallways and practiced "go straight," "turn left," and "turn right," using exaggerated hand/arm signals. By the end, I could gesture and she would tell me the correct directional phrase. She was smiling at the end of class. And I had fun.
During lunch, I had arranged for the sixth grader to come to my class. I was eating lunch, but we still talked and I explained to her the significance of the dove, talked about hummingbirds, and she told me her favorite comic books characters (Spiderman).
Tonight, Eric texted me about dinner. I had already eaten, but asked if he wanted to walk with me in the park, bring along his dogs, chat. I met up with him at the bus stop and had a nice stroll through the Children's Park. All in all a good night.
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